Friday, November 14, 2008

November Re-Cap

INC Gathering November 11, 2008

Devotional: Jeff (Warehouse727) Dealing with critiques or slanders as a planter/leader. Paul prays to have “thorn” removed. God says I am strong when you are weak so I take pleasure in suffering for Christ. God delights in our weakness because it gives Him a time to shine. Sometimes He will even burn that deep so we don’t get in the way. Sometimes God births the greatest things out of our hurts.

Teaching: Paul Wirth (Relevant Church) The Ups and Downs:
God stuff… first lease for $600 a week. 30-day-sex-challenge.
Stuff they do… if there is an event in our area we do it. Rebuilt a lady’s house.
Advice… keep taking risk; keep adding zeros to keep the risk real.

Pressure Points:

End of the Year Offering. Local causes work, something outside the church. Just laid it out there and said what we need, something tangible, but how it fits into the vision. Do a 50/50 split for outside money and internal money. Again VISION. Any amount of “extra” money is better than what you had. Mail out about it in November (Thanksgiving) and stuff from the stage. Nelson Searcy has free download on Christmas Offering. Also, celebrate the win afterward!!! Huge! Don’t just have a one time offering take money for a whole month. Don’t have to do it every year. Don’t have to set the bar too high either… manage expectations!

Sharing the Lead. Have to be careful, can this person be trusted. Leadership emerges; will they do the small stuff? Will they respond the way you would when you are not there? Be careful of people going “close” to same direction as you. Be honest with people… we are still getting to know each other so let’s not get our feelings hurt in this, trial run. God gives vision to the person; the implementation can be a group. Tell people the vision over and over and over again! Say it spray it wheel it deal it! Are they teachable!!!!!!!!!!! Do they trust you and your ability to lead?

Friday, October 31, 2008

Next Gathering (Nov 11th)

Our next gathering is coming up on November 11th!!!

10am @ the Italian Club

Ybor City, FL.

Start spreading the word. More info next week.

Last Gathering Notes

Devotional: Steve Wulf

Parable of the Talents: Felt like we deserved the world handed to us in the launch. Had worked so hard but not what they had expected. – God does not bless us by what we expect, but what we need. Also, we have to be faithful with what we do have. If we are not faithful with what we have God will take them away and give it to others. – Need contentment no matter where you are!

Teaching: Urban D

How values drive decisions: 1. Knowing your target 2. New Testament based, breaking stereotypes of what church is 3. Reach unchurched; don’t be afraid to try new things even if they fail 4. Big on kids and youth 5. Growth even if it is hard, make decision on that.

Whatever your values are stick by them and don’t be afraid to make mistakes.

Pressure Points:

Political pressure. Address but don’t tell them how to vote. The important thing is who is going to heaven. THIS WILL NOT DIVIDE US. We are not agenda driven. Resources: Andy Stanley messages “Letters to the Next President”, Leadership Magazine article, Go with what God has put on your heart. We should be influencing the culture not letting government influence us.

How do you influence different generations. Be yourself. Connect where you can connect. Don’t speak over your head. It may be more of a style thing than a generational thing. If they get it let them lead!

Keeping the momentum. We get momentum by taking risk but the more success we have the less we take risk. Sometimes having a grand opening is tough because it can take years to get back there. Don’t be something you are not on the big days. Under promise and over deliver. Being too polished steals momentum sometimes. Celebrate stuff. There is always something you can celebrate!!! Share stories all the time! Let’s ask each other what are we celebrating not what are you running.

Leadershift. People may not be as loyal as you think as the vision becomes clearer. If they don’t add to the vision when they walk in then get rid of them. It is like cancer cure it fast or cut it out. Bylaws have to reflect the vision. Control is not a bad thing if you are the one doing the most. Relevant videos their groups to see what goes on.

Effectiveness. What ever you measure gets done so be careful. Do you measure your values? Execution vs results.

Inspiring Children’s Volunteers. Promote from the stage!!! For the nursery you can hire people from outside to watch the kids on the front end. Two services help a lot! Depending on where you are you could bring 6 and up to the service and give them creative resources that fit with that week’s message. You can bring young kids in for worship too… Ask people to commit to a time so they don’t feel like they can’t get out ever. Easier to recruit twice a year so have them do semesters.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Next Gathering - Tuesday Oct 14th

Our next gathering is THIS Tuesday:

Italian Club, Ybor City

(Home of Relevant Church)

***Parking is $3 and bring cash***

Stephen Wulf pastor of the brand new Connection Point Church (only 1-month old) will share devotion on what God has been teaching him in this first month of planting

Tommy Kyllonen (aka Urban D) will share the story of Crossover Community Church and how Values drive decisions

And, as always we will be talking about your Pressure Points, those things you just have to get an answer on today.

Lunch will follow @ 11:30 - plan to come, bring your team and hang out.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Next Gathering is Oct. 14

Make plans to attend our next gathering on Tuesday, October 14th at 10am.

More info to come...

September Gathering Update

Devotional: Hal Mayer

Acts 4: “…they took notice they had been with Jesus.”

How many people can say that about you? They can tell you have been with this person or that person, but how about Jesus? Don’t neglect your time with Him this fall in ministry.

Teaching: Danny - Fatal Distractions: What is the one thing that would trip up everything if brought out into the open? Private life vs. Public life. What do you need to get a handle on in the next 30-days?

Pressure Points: (Cheap Banners 2x6 Banner for $36)
OAI in Tampa (10x12 banner $129)
Giving Envelopes in Programs (
Give People Yard Signs to Hand Out

Giving Down & Raising Outside Money
Do a money series. Tell people it is a perfect time to learn to give when you don’t think you can. Do it within the context of money management. Make it as easy as possible: online, envelopes, direct deposit. Do a “members” meeting and just lay it out there. Teach kids to give.

People give to success so show people success. Think like a missionary and get out there. Don’t be afraid of the ask. People give to the person first and the vision second. You usually only get three years to get these funds. Check for government grants for “special” projects.

People Who Volunteer & Then Don’t Show
Personal relationships are huge first. Don’t want them to feel “used”. Less likely to not show if you know them. 3-2-1 (3 face to face meeting, 2 trainings w/ alternate dates, 1 big celebration). Multiple services help because you can go to one and go to one. DVD the whole service. Don’t go past two until 400 though. You can’t serve unless you attend because it burns people out. The shoulder tap works, if you see someone just ask them to do something. Appreciate them with your words and actions. Don’t make them do something else to be appreciated. Remind them they are now a shepherd and not a sheep and it will “feel” different.

Environments for “Going Deep”
Redefine depth as how many people you are leading and influencing for Christ. Change peoples focus. It is not about me!

Next Gathering is Oct 14th

Friday, August 22, 2008

Fall Gathering Kick Off

Our first gathering of the fall will be:

September 9th
10am @ the Italian Club (Ybor City)

The topic will be "fatal attractions: confronting the one thing would destroy you in ministry"

We will also do "Pressure Points" to get answers for things you have to have an answer for now! We will also do lunch afterwards at the Green Iguana.

Tell your church planting / leading friends to come!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Next Gathering (May 12th) @ 10am

Gathering THIS Monday
10am @ the Italian Club
Ybor City, FL

Here is the line up:
  • Devotion- James Adair from Relevant Church
  • Teaching moment- Paul Wirth- We will be discussing some best practices to sail through the summer. Instead of coasting through the summer why not grow through the summer.
  • Pressure Points- Hal Mayer

This will be our last meeting before the summer so let's have a big crowd.

(NOTE: Parking is no longer free... the lot cost $3)

Re-Cap Gathering #3

Devotional thought:
The frustration from setting up, getting ready, the stress… is it worth it?
See Ephesians 2:10

Volunteers – How to Get Them & Keep Them (Hal)
Old School – Train them and then that is how you keep them.
Newer Thought – Fit their gifts and that keeps them.

How do you get them? – Grab one person and ask them if they would do something, anything, then follow up and find out where they would like serve. Just go up and shoulder tap someone for jobs. Even guests! But it works better when you have a relationship with the person. Intentionally build a relationship with people from week to week and then go for the ask. As you get to know them you will find out where their skills are. Takes a connecter (personality) in each ministry area to grab and greet the people. You have to turn stuff over to people who can enlist people. It is also tough to recruit people for another ministry. AND, don’t be afraid to tell people exactly how you want things when you ask them. AND, don’t be afraid to ask people who are already doing things, don’t say “no” to God for them…

YOU HAVE TO GET BEYOND THE FEAR OF PEOPLE SAYING “NO”. 10 – 3 – 1 principle. It will take 10 prospects to get 3 potential to get 1 good volunteer.

Bill Hybels book “Volunteer Revolution” is good.

(Side Note: One of the great things about set up and tear down. You get to see who people are)

Maximize THESE
M – Meaning. Are people finding meaning in what they are doing?
D – Dignity. Are they feeling dignified? Are you treating them as an equal?
C – Community. Are they connecting with people as a team and w/ the leader?

Optimize THESE once you get to know them…
I – Influence. Do they have the ear of the leadership?
G – Growth. Do they see growth personally or volunteer wise (responsibility)?

The Reward – Does the reward cost them something. Coming out to the church another night is not a reward. Gift cards are a reward! Thank you’s are a reward. Public thank you’s are a reward.

The Reward – Why did your staff first volunteer? Give that to your current volunteers!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Gathering THIS Monday (April 14th)

Our next gathering is this Monday, April 14th, 10am at the Italian Club in Ybor City, FL.

We will be talking about how to get and keep volunteers along with talking about your pressure points.

***Bring your most recent promotion idea to share***

As always we will do lunch after at the Green Iguana.

Gathering Two Re-Cap

Devotional thought (Brian)
The Little Things – Philippians 2:16-18

What is Church Planting Costing You Right Now
Health, stress, gray hair
Stability & security
Family’s relationships with other people

“Pour Your Heart Into It” – Starbucks Book by Howard Shultz
Nothing more important than trust between leader and people. If it is not costing us anything then why should it cost them anything?

As Paul has gone through 30-day sex challenge the media has been nice to them, but other churches have been criticizing them heavily.

2 Samuel 24 – God tells David to build an altar. Ask a guy if he can use his threshing floor. Guy tells him to take it all. David responds if it doesn’t cost me anything it is worthless. In church planting if it doesn’t cost us then we missed something.

It cost Moses his fear of speaking
It cost David his pride
It cost the disciples their lives

Whenever you see a successful organization someone made a courageous decision.

Sometimes you have to force yourself to take risks once things get comfortable again. Risk some security, some stability to do great things.

“Luck is the residue of design”

Setting a date sometimes forces you to face your risk / fear and design.

We have to not only help people know Jesus, we have to help them enjoy the journey with Jesus

Pressure Point
Looking for move to the gym – South Palm, Life Pointe

Reboot for church / evaluation of staff – lay out a set evaluation period. Let them walk with you through the process. Let them establish the goals. If they agree and don’t meet them time to move on.

How to handle a son in same ministry – If he is good it helps. He has to work harder than everyone else. Will strain the relationship. Have to learn how to communicate. Can be a neat thing. Can be a productive thing. Need stuff outside the office.

Video based middle school curriculum – Bible Stuff –

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Next Gathering is Monday

This Monday we have our next gathering at 10am in Ybor City at the Italian Club. Paul Wirth will be leading and as always bring some resource you can share. Bring a church leader with you for this practical, innovative, encouraging time. Don't forget this is a time change weekend!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Gathering 1

Devotional thought (Danny)
Reorientating your life – Mark 12:30
Love God – pursue him with all our being. Not just strength or mind or heart, but our full being. Or else you will follow him through relationships. Or through legalism or being a workaholic. If we are not balanced our church won’t be.

Relevant Environments on a Shoestring
Main Service
Physical environments are painted in earth tones for a multicultural church. The people on stage, greeters are painted as well. Black, white, Latino, male, female…

Movie theater church uses what they have, the screen!

Black curtains everywhere! Can create a totally new environment.

Playing with chairs and partitioning off the room can help with smaller crowds.

Younger age church keeps things dark. Also changes the lobby based on the service they are doing. They also use a full stage set.

“Jet set” fabric from JoAnn’s fabric for stage dress.

Church uses large printed materials for each series on stage.

OAI in Tampa will print banners of any size 10x20

Children’s Ministry
Can use black curtains with strong magnets in classrooms with drop sealing

Can also get a bounce house from Wal-Mart for $125

White PVC fence from Home Depot to break up a nursery room.

Sam’s Club for kids room furniture.

Musicians – How do you get better ones?
You have to get into the stream of musicians. If your main person is talented then they will follow. If they are not then you might need to change lead person.

Search for some musicians:

How do you transition from level one people to second level people?
Give current person a chance to step up. If they can’t you need to help them move on. They might hinder the new person from doing their job.

Plateauing – How do you get going?
Start looking at your systems? Are you really as bad off as you think? Look back at the numbers. What is your percentage of growth? What is your growth engine going to be? What motivated people in the beginning / before?