Friday, November 14, 2008

November Re-Cap

INC Gathering November 11, 2008

Devotional: Jeff (Warehouse727) Dealing with critiques or slanders as a planter/leader. Paul prays to have “thorn” removed. God says I am strong when you are weak so I take pleasure in suffering for Christ. God delights in our weakness because it gives Him a time to shine. Sometimes He will even burn that deep so we don’t get in the way. Sometimes God births the greatest things out of our hurts.

Teaching: Paul Wirth (Relevant Church) The Ups and Downs:
God stuff… first lease for $600 a week. 30-day-sex-challenge.
Stuff they do… if there is an event in our area we do it. Rebuilt a lady’s house.
Advice… keep taking risk; keep adding zeros to keep the risk real.

Pressure Points:

End of the Year Offering. Local causes work, something outside the church. Just laid it out there and said what we need, something tangible, but how it fits into the vision. Do a 50/50 split for outside money and internal money. Again VISION. Any amount of “extra” money is better than what you had. Mail out about it in November (Thanksgiving) and stuff from the stage. Nelson Searcy has free download on Christmas Offering. Also, celebrate the win afterward!!! Huge! Don’t just have a one time offering take money for a whole month. Don’t have to do it every year. Don’t have to set the bar too high either… manage expectations!

Sharing the Lead. Have to be careful, can this person be trusted. Leadership emerges; will they do the small stuff? Will they respond the way you would when you are not there? Be careful of people going “close” to same direction as you. Be honest with people… we are still getting to know each other so let’s not get our feelings hurt in this, trial run. God gives vision to the person; the implementation can be a group. Tell people the vision over and over and over again! Say it spray it wheel it deal it! Are they teachable!!!!!!!!!!! Do they trust you and your ability to lead?